
In the question pair of words on the left of : : have certain relationship with each other.  On the same analogy you are required to answer the appropriate pair of words out of the given options to be places on the right of: :.

Malaria : Mosquito : : ? : ?


Poison : Death


Cholera : Water


Rat : Plague


Medicine : Disease

Question ID - 100774 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

In the question pair of words on the left of : : have certain relationship with each other.  On the same analogy you are required to answer the appropriate pair of words out of the given options to be places on the right of: :.

Malaria : Mosquito : : ? : ?


Poison : Death


Cholera : Water


Rat : Plague


Medicine : Disease

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (b) -

Cholera : Water

127 votes