
Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the code given below:

            List I                                                    List II

            (Magnet)                                           (Property)

A.       Artificial magnet                        1.   Long lived

B.       Permanent magnet                    2.   Last for infinitely

                                                                          long period

C.      Temporary                                    3.   Short lived


D.      Earth as a magnet                       4.   Induced magnet


A      B     C      D

3      1      4      2


A      B     C      D

3      4      1      2


A      B     C      D

2      1      4      3


A      B     C      D

2      4      1      3

Question ID - 50414 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the code given below:

            List I                                                    List II

            (Magnet)                                           (Property)

A.       Artificial magnet                        1.   Long lived

B.       Permanent magnet                    2.   Last for infinitely

                                                                          long period

C.      Temporary                                    3.   Short lived


D.      Earth as a magnet                       4.   Induced magnet


A      B     C      D

3      1      4      2


A      B     C      D

3      4      1      2


A      B     C      D

2      1      4      3


A      B     C      D

2      4      1      3

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (a) -

A      B     C      D

3      1      4      2

127 votes