Updated By SaraNextGen
On March 11, 2024, 11:35 AM

Page No 54: - Chapter 4 Structure Of Atom class 9 ncert solutions Science - SaraNextGen [2024]

Question 1:

Compare the properties of electrons, protons and neutrons.






Electrons are present outside the nucleus of an atom.


Protons are present in the nucleus of an atom.


Neutrons are present in the nucleus of an atom.


Electrons are negatively charged.


Protons are positively charged.


Neutrons are neutral.


The mass of an electron is considered to negligible.


The mass of a proton is approximately 2000 times as the mass of an electron.


The mass of neutron is nearly equal to the mass of a proton.



Question 2:

What are the limitations of J.J. Thomson’s model of the atom?


According to J.J. Thomson’s model of an atom, an atom consists of a positively charged sphere with electrons embedded in it. However, it was later found that the positively charged particles reside at the centre of the atom called the nucleus, and the electrons revolve around the nucleus.


Question 3:

What are the limitations of Rutherford’s model of the atom?


According to Rutherford’s model of an atom, electrons revolve around the nucleus in fixed orbits. But, an electron revolving in circular orbits will not be stable because during revolution, it will experience acceleration. Due to acceleration, the electrons will lose energy in the form of radiation and fall into the nucleus. In such a case, the atom would be highly unstable and collapse.


Question 4:

Describe Bohr’s model of the atom.


Bohr’s model of the atom

Niels Bohr proposed the following postulates regarding the model of the atom.

(i) Only certain orbits known as discrete orbits of electrons are allowed inside the atom.

(ii) While revolving in these discrete orbits, the electrons do not radiate energy.

These discrete orbits or shells are shown in the following diagram.

The first orbit (i.e., for n = 1) is represented by letter K. Similarly, for n = 2, it is L − shell, for n = 3, it is M − shell and for n = 4, it is N − shell. These orbits or shells are also called energy levels.


Question 5:

Compare all the proposed models of an atom given in this chapter.


Thomson’s model

Rutherford’s model

Bohr’s model

An atom consists of a positively charged sphere with electrons embedded in it.

An atom consists of a positively charged particles concentrated at the centre known as the nucleus. The size of the nucleus is very small as compared to the size of the atom. The electrons revolve around the nucleus in well-defined orbits.

There are only certain orbits known as discrete orbits inside the atom in which electrons revolve around the nucleus. Electrons do not radiate energy while revolving.

Question 6:

Summarize the rules for writing of distribution of electrons in various shells for the first eighteen elements.


The rules for writing of the distribution of electrons in various shells for the first eighteen elements are given below.

(i) The maximum number of electrons that a shell can accommodate is given by the formula ‘2n2’, where ‘n’ is the orbit number or energy level index (n = 1, 2, 3…).

The maximum number of electrons present in an orbit of n = 1 is given by 2n2 = 2×12 = 2

Similarly, for second orbit, it is 2n2 = 2×2= 8

For third orbit, it is 2n2 = 2×32 = 18

And so on……

(ii) The outermost orbit can be accommodated by a maximum number of 8 electrons.

(iii) Shells are filled with electrons in a stepwise manner i.e., the outer shell is not occupied with electrons unless the inner shells are completely filled with electrons.


Question 7:

Define valency by taking examples of silicon and oxygen.


The valency of an element is the combining capacity of that element. The valency of an element is determined by the number of valence electrons present in the atom of that element.

If the number of valence electrons of the atom of an element is less than or equal to four, then the valency of that element is equal to the number of valence electrons. For example, the atom of silicon has four valence electrons. Thus, the valency of silicon is four.

On the other hand, if the number of valence electrons of the atom of an element is greater than four, then the valency of that element is obtained by subtracting the number of valence electrons from eight. For example, the atom of oxygen has six valence electrons. Thus, the valency of oxygen is (8 − 6) i.e., two.

Also Read : Page-No-55:-Chapter-4-Structure-Of-Atom-class-9-ncert-solutions-Science
