Updated By SaraNextGen
On April 21, 2024, 11:35 AM

Page No 168: - Chapter 12 Sound class 9 ncert solutions Science - SaraNextGen [2024-2025]

Question 1:

An echo returned in 3 s. What is the distance of the reflecting surface from the source, given that the speed of sound is 342 m s−1?


Speed of sound, v = 342 m s−1

Echo returns in time, t = 3 s

Distance travelled by sound = v × = 342 × 3 = 1026 m

In the given time interval, sound has to travel a distance that is twice the distance of the reflecting surface and the source.

Hence, the distance of the reflecting surface from the source

Also Read : Page-No-169:-Chapter-12-Sound-class-9-ncert-solutions-Science
