
A ball of mass  collides horizontally with a stationary wedge on a rough horizontal surface, in the two orientations as shown.Neglect friction between the ball and the wedge. The student  comment on the system of ball and wedge in these situations

Saurav: Momentum of the system in - direction will change by significant amount in both the cases

Rahul: There are no impulsive external forces in - direction in both cases; hence the total momentum of the system in - direction can be treated as conserved in both cases


Sauravis incorrect andRahul is correct


Sauravis correct and Rahul is incorrect


Both are correct


Both are incorrect

Question ID - 100401 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

A ball of mass  collides horizontally with a stationary wedge on a rough horizontal surface, in the two orientations as shown.Neglect friction between the ball and the wedge. The student  comment on the system of ball and wedge in these situations

Saurav: Momentum of the system in - direction will change by significant amount in both the cases

Rahul: There are no impulsive external forces in - direction in both cases; hence the total momentum of the system in - direction can be treated as conserved in both cases


Sauravis incorrect andRahul is correct


Sauravis correct and Rahul is incorrect


Both are correct


Both are incorrect

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (d) -


In case I there is no horizontal external impulse on ball and mass system while in case II friction is impulsive as normal with ground is impulsive. Hence, both statements are incorrect

127 votes