
Two masses  and  are connected by an inextensible light string. The string is passing over a light frictionless pulley. The mass is resting on a surface and mass  is hanging in air is as shown in Fig. A particle of mass  strikes the mass  from below in case (I) with a velocity  and in case (II) strikes mass  with a velocity  from top and sticks to it


The conservation of linear momentum can be applied in both the cases just before and just after collision


The conservation of linear momentum can be applied in case I but cannot be applied in case II just before and just after collision


The ratio of velocities of mass  just after collision in first and second case is 1/2


The ratio of velocities of mass  just after collision in first and second case is 2

Question ID - 100606 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

Two masses  and  are connected by an inextensible light string. The string is passing over a light frictionless pulley. The mass is resting on a surface and mass  is hanging in air is as shown in Fig. A particle of mass  strikes the mass  from below in case (I) with a velocity  and in case (II) strikes mass  with a velocity  from top and sticks to it


The conservation of linear momentum can be applied in both the cases just before and just after collision


The conservation of linear momentum can be applied in case I but cannot be applied in case II just before and just after collision


The ratio of velocities of mass  just after collision in first and second case is 1/2


The ratio of velocities of mass  just after collision in first and second case is 2

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (b,d) -


In the first case :

In the second case:



From Eqs. (i) and (ii),

and required ratio

127 votes