
We sometimes encounter examples where a large force acts for very short duration of time producing an appreciable and finite change in linear momentum of the body. Such forces are know as impulsive forces. As an example consider two identical cricket balls of mass  and initial speed  approaching a rigid wall. One ball strikes the wall normally and rebounds with same speed. Another ball strikes the wall making and angle of 30  from normal and is elastically reflected back as shown in figure. Now answer the following questions

What is the magnitude of force on the wall due to ball number 1?




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Question ID - 101111 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

We sometimes encounter examples where a large force acts for very short duration of time producing an appreciable and finite change in linear momentum of the body. Such forces are know as impulsive forces. As an example consider two identical cricket balls of mass  and initial speed  approaching a rigid wall. One ball strikes the wall normally and rebounds with same speed. Another ball strikes the wall making and angle of 30  from normal and is elastically reflected back as shown in figure. Now answer the following questions

What is the magnitude of force on the wall due to ball number 1?




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1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (d) -


We can not calculate the value of force exerted because time is not known to us.

127 votes