
Three balls and  are placed on a smooth horizontal surface. Ball  collides with ball  with an initial velocity  as shown in Fig. Find the total number of collisions between the balls (all collisions are elastic)

Question ID - 101420 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

Three balls and  are placed on a smooth horizontal surface. Ball  collides with ball  with an initial velocity  as shown in Fig. Find the total number of collisions between the balls (all collisions are elastic)

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (2) -


For the first collision,


By momentum conservation


From Eqs. (i) and (ii), and

For the second collision,


By momentum conservation,



From Eqs. (iii) and (iv),


Therefore, ‘ ’ cannot collide with ‘ ’ for the second time

Hence, the total number of collisions is 2

127 votes