
A bullet is fired on a fixed target. It penetrates inside the target through distance  and then stops, mass of the bullet is  and of the target is . Now an identical bullet moving with the same velocity is fired on the identical target which is placed at rest on a frictionless horizontal surface. Then find the distance (in cm) to which the bullet will penetrate inside the target?

Question ID - 101424 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

A bullet is fired on a fixed target. It penetrates inside the target through distance  and then stops, mass of the bullet is  and of the target is . Now an identical bullet moving with the same velocity is fired on the identical target which is placed at rest on a frictionless horizontal surface. Then find the distance (in cm) to which the bullet will penetrate inside the target?

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (3) -


For first case


For second case is common velocity


Solving Eqs. (i) and (ii),

127 votes