
A motor cyclist moves from a place A to B in East direction.  From B he turns to left and moves for 2 km.  He then takes a right and rides for 1.5 km.  Again he turns right and moves for 2 km.  He then takes a left turn and rides for 2.5 km. and stops.  If he is at a distance of 7 km from starting place A, find the distance between A and B.


2.5 km


3 km


4 km


1 km

Question ID - 102580 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

A motor cyclist moves from a place A to B in East direction.  From B he turns to left and moves for 2 km.  He then takes a right and rides for 1.5 km.  Again he turns right and moves for 2 km.  He then takes a left turn and rides for 2.5 km. and stops.  If he is at a distance of 7 km from starting place A, find the distance between A and B.


2.5 km


3 km


4 km


1 km

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (b) -

3 km

127 votes