
Ranjan goes 5 km towards North from a fixed point.  Then he goes 3 km after turning to his right.  After this he goes 5 km turning to his right.  In the end he goes 4 km after turning to his left.  How far and in what direction is he now from the fixed point?


4 km, West


7 km, East


9 km, East


7 km, West

Question ID - 102608 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

Ranjan goes 5 km towards North from a fixed point.  Then he goes 3 km after turning to his right.  After this he goes 5 km turning to his right.  In the end he goes 4 km after turning to his left.  How far and in what direction is he now from the fixed point?


4 km, West


7 km, East


9 km, East


7 km, West

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (b) -

7 km, East

127 votes