
Read the following information carefully and answer the question given below:

M, P, J, B, R, T and F are sitting around a circle facing the centre.  B is the third to the left of J who is second to the left of M.  P is third to the left of B and second to the right of R.  T is not an immediate neighbour of M.

What is F’s position with respect to R?

(A) Third to the left

(B)Fourth to the right

(C)Third to the right


Only A


Only B


Only C


Both A and B

Question ID - 102934 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

Read the following information carefully and answer the question given below:

M, P, J, B, R, T and F are sitting around a circle facing the centre.  B is the third to the left of J who is second to the left of M.  P is third to the left of B and second to the right of R.  T is not an immediate neighbour of M.

What is F’s position with respect to R?

(A) Third to the left

(B)Fourth to the right

(C)Third to the right


Only A


Only B


Only C


Both A and B

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (d) -

Both A and B

127 votes