
Choose the correct option about cheese.


Cheese is an example of emulsion in which dispersed phase is liquid and dispersing medium is solid.


Cheese is an example of gel in which dispersed phase is solid and dispersing medium is liquid


Cheese is an example of emulsion in which dispersed phase is solid and dispersing medium is liquid


Cheese is an example of gel in which dispersed phase is liquid and dispersing medium is solid

Question ID - 103276 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

Choose the correct option about cheese.


Cheese is an example of emulsion in which dispersed phase is liquid and dispersing medium is solid.


Cheese is an example of gel in which dispersed phase is solid and dispersing medium is liquid


Cheese is an example of emulsion in which dispersed phase is solid and dispersing medium is liquid


Cheese is an example of gel in which dispersed phase is liquid and dispersing medium is solid

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (d) -

Cheese is an example of gel in which dispersed phase is liquid and dispersing medium is solid

127 votes