
The number of protons, neutrons and electrons in four elements 1, 2 , 3 and 4 are follows:

(1) p=6, n=6, e=6

(2) p=6, n=7, e=6

(3) p=18, n=22, e=18

(4) p=19, n=21, e=19

In these


element 1 and 2 are isotopes and element 3 and 4 are isobars


element 1 and 2 are isotopes but element 3 and 4 are not isobars


element 1 and 2 are isobars and element 3 and 4 are isotopes


element 1 and 2 are isobars but element 3 and 4 are not isotopes

Question ID - 103688 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

The number of protons, neutrons and electrons in four elements 1, 2 , 3 and 4 are follows:

(1) p=6, n=6, e=6

(2) p=6, n=7, e=6

(3) p=18, n=22, e=18

(4) p=19, n=21, e=19

In these


element 1 and 2 are isotopes and element 3 and 4 are isobars


element 1 and 2 are isotopes but element 3 and 4 are not isobars


element 1 and 2 are isobars and element 3 and 4 are isotopes


element 1 and 2 are isobars but element 3 and 4 are not isotopes

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (a) -

element 1 and 2 are isotopes and element 3 and 4 are isobars

127 votes