
Concrete is produced from a mixture of cement, water and small stones. Small amount of gypsum,  is added in cement production to improve the subsequent hardening of concrete. The elevated temperature during the production of cement may lead to the formation of unwanted hemihydrate

 according to reaction,

The of  are  and  respectively. The respective values of their standard entropies are 194.0, 130.0 and . The values of

Answer the following questions on the basis of above information

Heat change occurring during conversion of 1 kg of  (molar mass 172 g ) of   is equal to





Question ID - 103879 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

Concrete is produced from a mixture of cement, water and small stones. Small amount of gypsum,  is added in cement production to improve the subsequent hardening of concrete. The elevated temperature during the production of cement may lead to the formation of unwanted hemihydrate

 according to reaction,

The of  are  and  respectively. The respective values of their standard entropies are 194.0, 130.0 and . The values of

Answer the following questions on the basis of above information

Heat change occurring during conversion of 1 kg of  (molar mass 172 g ) of   is equal to





1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (a) -


(for 1 mol)

For 1 kg

Number of moles

Heat change for 5.81 mol of

127 votes