
Which statement(s) about oxidation number is/are correct?


The oxidation number is the no. of electrons lost (+ve) or gained (−ve) by an atom for the ionic compounds


For covalent compound, the oxidation number is indicated by the charge that an atom of element would have acquired if the substance would have been ionic


Oxidation number may have integer or fractional values


None of the above

Question ID - 104835 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

Which statement(s) about oxidation number is/are correct?


The oxidation number is the no. of electrons lost (+ve) or gained (−ve) by an atom for the ionic compounds


For covalent compound, the oxidation number is indicated by the charge that an atom of element would have acquired if the substance would have been ionic


Oxidation number may have integer or fractional values


None of the above

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (a,b,c) -

The oxidation number is the no. of electrons lost (+ve) or gained (−ve) by an atom for the ionic compounds

For covalent compound, the oxidation number is indicated by the charge that an atom of element would have acquired if the substance would have been ionic

Oxidation number may have integer or fractional values

127 votes