
Which statement(s) is/are correct:


The intermediates I and II can be isolated


The intermediates I and II, all the resonance energy has been lost and the activation energy of this step is much greater than that required for each succeeding step in which the double bond behaves like their acylic analogue


The conditions required for the formation of I and II are more vigorous than those required for the successive steps


Because of this, it is not possible to stop the reaction proceeding to complete the reduction of benzene to III (cyclohexane ), and consequently it is not possible to isolate the intermediates II and III

Question ID - 104853 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

Which statement(s) is/are correct:


The intermediates I and II can be isolated


The intermediates I and II, all the resonance energy has been lost and the activation energy of this step is much greater than that required for each succeeding step in which the double bond behaves like their acylic analogue


The conditions required for the formation of I and II are more vigorous than those required for the successive steps


Because of this, it is not possible to stop the reaction proceeding to complete the reduction of benzene to III (cyclohexane ), and consequently it is not possible to isolate the intermediates II and III

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (b,c,d) -


All the statements are explanations in themselves

127 votes