
Compound exists in various structures as shown:

Which statement(s) is/are correct?


Compounds I and II give iodoform test.Compound I gives white turbidity on heating with Lucas reagent, while compound II reduces Tollens reagent


Compound III gives silver mirror with  and does not react with


Compound IV on acid hydrolysis gives COOH and


Compound V on heating is decarboxylated to propane

Question ID - 104896 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

Compound exists in various structures as shown:

Which statement(s) is/are correct?


Compounds I and II give iodoform test.Compound I gives white turbidity on heating with Lucas reagent, while compound II reduces Tollens reagent


Compound III gives silver mirror with  and does not react with


Compound IV on acid hydrolysis gives COOH and


Compound V on heating is decarboxylated to propane

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (a,b) -


a. Compound (I) contains  group and hence gives iodoform test. It also contains  alcoholic group and hence gives white turbidity on heating with Lucas reagent (anhydrous : conc.  = 1:1). Compound (II) reduces Tollens reagent, although it does not contain ( ) group but T.R. test is also given by -hydroxy ketones

So the statement (a) is correct

b. Compound (III) is an aldehyde, so it gives positive T.R. test but it does not give haloform reaction with  or (  + ), since it does not contain ( ) group. So the statement (b) is also correct

But the answer given is . So statement (c) is wrong

d. Compound (V) on heating cannot decarboxylate, but with soda lime it can decarboxylate to give propane. Only acids containing -keto groups can easily undergo decarboxylation on heating

So the statement (d) is wrong

Hence, the answers are (a) and (b)                     

127 votes