
Certain materials such as turpentine oil, unsaturated organic compound, phosphorous, metals such as Zn, and , etc., can absorb  from air in the presence of  which is converted to . This is called autoxidation. Intermolecular redox reactions are those in which one molecule is oxidized and the other atom is reduced.Intramolecular redox reactions are those in which one atom of a molecule is oxidized and the other atom is reduced

Which of the following reactions is/are intramolecular redox reaction(s)?





Question ID - 105128 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

Certain materials such as turpentine oil, unsaturated organic compound, phosphorous, metals such as Zn, and , etc., can absorb  from air in the presence of  which is converted to . This is called autoxidation. Intermolecular redox reactions are those in which one molecule is oxidized and the other atom is reduced.Intramolecular redox reactions are those in which one atom of a molecule is oxidized and the other atom is reduced

Which of the following reactions is/are intramolecular redox reaction(s)?





1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (a,c) -


1. (Reduction)


Hence, it is an intramolecular redox reaction

2. It is an oxidation reaction in which  is oxidized to and  is oxidized to  and

3. It is an intramolecular redox reaction



4. It is a disproportionation reaction

127 votes