
acts as a good oxidizing agent in acidic medium.

                                                 Orange                                           Green

In alkaline solution, orange colour of  changes to yellow colour due to formation of  and again yellow colour changes to orange colour on changing the solution to acidic medium.

                                                        Orange                               Yellow

                                                          Yellow                            Orange

and  exist in equilibrium at pH = 4 and are interconvertible by altering the pH of the solution. When heated with and metal chloride, gives vapours of chromyl chloride  Chromyl chloride (  when passed into aqueous  solution, yellow colour solution of  is obtained. This on reaction with lead acetate gives yellow ppt. of

When is added to an acidified solution of dichromate ion, a complicated reaction occurs. The products obtained depend on the pH and concentration of Cr.

A deep blue-violet colouredperoxo compound, , called chromic peroxide is formed. This decomposes rapidly in aqueous solution into  and oxygen.

What happens when a solution of potassium chromate is treated with an excess of dilute nitric acid?


 and  are formed


  and  are formed


  is reduced to +3 state of Cr


  is reduced to 0 state of Cr

Question ID - 105167 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

acts as a good oxidizing agent in acidic medium.

                                                 Orange                                           Green

In alkaline solution, orange colour of  changes to yellow colour due to formation of  and again yellow colour changes to orange colour on changing the solution to acidic medium.

                                                        Orange                               Yellow

                                                          Yellow                            Orange

and  exist in equilibrium at pH = 4 and are interconvertible by altering the pH of the solution. When heated with and metal chloride, gives vapours of chromyl chloride  Chromyl chloride (  when passed into aqueous  solution, yellow colour solution of  is obtained. This on reaction with lead acetate gives yellow ppt. of

When is added to an acidified solution of dichromate ion, a complicated reaction occurs. The products obtained depend on the pH and concentration of Cr.

A deep blue-violet colouredperoxo compound, , called chromic peroxide is formed. This decomposes rapidly in aqueous solution into  and oxygen.

What happens when a solution of potassium chromate is treated with an excess of dilute nitric acid?


 and  are formed


  and  are formed


  is reduced to +3 state of Cr


  is reduced to 0 state of Cr

1 Answer
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Answer Key / Explanation : (b) -


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