
Given below are two statements A and B. Choose the correct answer related to the statements.

Statement A    Amino acids are amphoteric in their function.

Statement B     All amino acids are necessary for our body.


Statement A is correct but statement B is wrong


Both the statements A and B are correct


Statement A is wrong but statement B is correct


Both the statements A and B are wrong

Question ID - 1164 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

Given below are two statements A and B. Choose the correct answer related to the statements.

Statement A    Amino acids are amphoteric in their function.

Statement B     All amino acids are necessary for our body.


Statement A is correct but statement B is wrong


Both the statements A and B are correct


Statement A is wrong but statement B is correct


Both the statements A and B are wrong

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (d) -


In the solid state, an amino acid ordinarily exist as Zwitter ion, which is formed by the transfer of protons from  group. Essential amino acids are those, which our body can not manufacture of its own that’s why these are required in diet, while non-essential amino acids required in diet, while non-essential amino acids are those, which are not required in our diet essentially.

127 votes