Characters of both conifers and cycads are found in |
a) |
b) |
c) |
d) |
Characters of both conifers and cycads are found in |
a) |
b) |
c) |
d) |
(a) shows resemblance with both Cycadales and Coniferales. Resemblanes between and Cycadales are well-developed nuellar beak and pollen chamber, haustorial nature of pollen tube, multiflagellated spermatozoids, large egg, massive female gametophyte with well-developed venter, endoscopic embryo with two cotyledons, hypogeal seed germination. Its resemblance with Coniferales are cone like appearance, long and dwarf shoots, pycnoxylic wood, uniseriate medullary rays, longitudinal dehiscence of microsporangia and sessile ovule, etc. |