
When a potential difference is applied across the ends of a linear metallic conductor


The free electrons are accelerated continuously from the lower potential end to the higher potential end of the conductor


The free electrons are accelerated continuously from the higher potential end to the lower potential end of the conductor


The free electrons acquire a constant drift velocity from the lower potential end to the higher potential end of the conductor


The free electrons are set in motion from their position of rest

Question ID - 150282 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

When a potential difference is applied across the ends of a linear metallic conductor


The free electrons are accelerated continuously from the lower potential end to the higher potential end of the conductor


The free electrons are accelerated continuously from the higher potential end to the lower potential end of the conductor


The free electrons acquire a constant drift velocity from the lower potential end to the higher potential end of the conductor


The free electrons are set in motion from their position of rest

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (c) -

The free electrons acquire a constant drift velocity from the lower potential end to the higher potential end of the conductor

127 votes