
Read the following statements and select the correct option.

A. Wind pollinating flowers need to produce more quantity of pollen grains.

B. Seeds from cross pollinated flowers produce weaker and less healthy plants


‘A’ is false ‘B’ is true


‘A’ is true ‘B’ is false


Both ‘A’ and ‘B’ are true


Neither ‘A’ nor ‘B’ are true

Question ID - 150916 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

Read the following statements and select the correct option.

A. Wind pollinating flowers need to produce more quantity of pollen grains.

B. Seeds from cross pollinated flowers produce weaker and less healthy plants


‘A’ is false ‘B’ is true


‘A’ is true ‘B’ is false


Both ‘A’ and ‘B’ are true


Neither ‘A’ nor ‘B’ are true

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (b) -

‘A’ is true ‘B’ is false

127 votes