
Which of the following statements is not correct?


The latent heat of fusion of ice is 3.34 X 105 J/kg


Temperature of melting of ice does not rise even though heat is continuously supplied


Latent heat of vaporization of water is 30.4 X 105 J/Kg.


All of the above

Question ID - 152262 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

Which of the following statements is not correct?


The latent heat of fusion of ice is 3.34 X 105 J/kg


Temperature of melting of ice does not rise even though heat is continuously supplied


Latent heat of vaporization of water is 30.4 X 105 J/Kg.


All of the above

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (c) -

Latent heat of vaporization of water is 30.4 X 105 J/Kg.

127 votes