
Variation of voltage with time is shown in the following figure

i.rms voltage is found to be  V. Find

ii. Also calculate the average value of voltage (in V)

Question ID - 154107 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

Variation of voltage with time is shown in the following figure

i.rms voltage is found to be  V. Find

ii. Also calculate the average value of voltage (in V)

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (4,1) -

(4, 1)

In such cases it is difficult to develop a single equation. Hence, it is usual to consider two equations, one applicable from 0 to 1 ms and another from 1 to 2 ms

For  lying between 0 and 1 ms, . For  lying between 1 and 2 ms,



127 votes