
The electronic configuration of the atom of an element ‘X’ is (n-2)S2 (n-1)s2(n-1)P6 ns2np5 If n=3, the element ‘X’ is placed in modern periodic table


7th group, 3rd period


17th group, 3rd period


17th group, 5th period


3rd group, 3rd period

Question ID - 154873 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

The electronic configuration of the atom of an element ‘X’ is (n-2)S2 (n-1)s2(n-1)P6 ns2np5 If n=3, the element ‘X’ is placed in modern periodic table


7th group, 3rd period


17th group, 3rd period


17th group, 5th period


3rd group, 3rd period

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (b) -

17th group, 3rd period

127 votes