Shweta went for a journey by train in June 2018. Her train was to depart at 7am. Her mother packed ‘Bread Pakodas’ for her lunch. However, Shweta did not at them till evening. In the evening when she opened her lunch box, she felt an unpleasant smell. The taste of Pakodas was also sour. This happened due to------------------ |
(a) |
thermal decomposition |
(b) |
calcination |
(c) |
isomerism |
(d) |
rancidity |
Shweta went for a journey by train in June 2018. Her train was to depart at 7am. Her mother packed ‘Bread Pakodas’ for her lunch. However, Shweta did not at them till evening. In the evening when she opened her lunch box, she felt an unpleasant smell. The taste of Pakodas was also sour. This happened due to------------------ |
(a) |
thermal decomposition |
(b) |
calcination |
(c) |
isomerism |
(d) |
rancidity |