
Which statement is correct regarding ethane, ethene and ethyne?


Ethyne is strongest acid and C-H bond length is shortest


Ethene is strongest acid and C-H bond length is shortest


Ethane is strongest acid and C-H bond length is longest


Ethyne is the weakest acid and C-H bond length is longest

Question ID - 155276 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

Which statement is correct regarding ethane, ethene and ethyne?


Ethyne is strongest acid and C-H bond length is shortest


Ethene is strongest acid and C-H bond length is shortest


Ethane is strongest acid and C-H bond length is longest


Ethyne is the weakest acid and C-H bond length is longest

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (a) -

Ethyne is strongest acid and C-H bond length is shortest

127 votes