
For a quasi-one-dimensional isentropic supersonic flow through a diverging duct, which of the following is true in the direction of the flow?
(A) Both the Mach number and the static temperature increase.
(B) The Mach number increases and the static temperature decreases.
(C) The Mach number decreases and the static temperature increases.
(D) Both the Mach number and the static temperature decrease.

Question ID - 155436 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

For a quasi-one-dimensional isentropic supersonic flow through a diverging duct, which of the following is true in the direction of the flow?
(A) Both the Mach number and the static temperature increase.
(B) The Mach number increases and the static temperature decreases.
(C) The Mach number decreases and the static temperature increases.
(D) Both the Mach number and the static temperature decrease.

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (B) -

(B) The Mach number increases and the static temperature decreases.

127 votes