
Which of the following statements about the neutral axis of a beam with unsymmetrical cross section is true:
(A) The product of second moment of area about the neutral axis is always zero.
(B) The normal stress along the neutral axis is always zero.
(C) The shear stress along the neutral axis is always zero.
(D) The product of second moment of area about the neutral axis and the normal stress about the neutral axis are always zero.

Question ID - 155569 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

Which of the following statements about the neutral axis of a beam with unsymmetrical cross section is true:
(A) The product of second moment of area about the neutral axis is always zero.
(B) The normal stress along the neutral axis is always zero.
(C) The shear stress along the neutral axis is always zero.
(D) The product of second moment of area about the neutral axis and the normal stress about the neutral axis are always zero.

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (B) -

(B) The normal stress along the neutral axis is always zero.

127 votes