
For a completely subsonic isentropic flow through a convergent nozzle, which of the following statement is TRUE?
(A) Pressure at the nozzle exit $>$ back pressure.
(B) Pressure at the nozzle exit $<$ back pressure.
(C) Pressure at the nozzle exit = back pressure.
(D) Pressure at the nozzle exit = total pressure.

Question ID - 155630 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

For a completely subsonic isentropic flow through a convergent nozzle, which of the following statement is TRUE?
(A) Pressure at the nozzle exit $>$ back pressure.
(B) Pressure at the nozzle exit $<$ back pressure.
(C) Pressure at the nozzle exit = back pressure.
(D) Pressure at the nozzle exit = total pressure.

1 Answer
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Answer Key / Explanation : (C) -

(C) Pressure at the nozzle exit = back pressure.

127 votes