
Determine the correctness or otherwise of the following statements, [a] and [r],
[a]: Ribs, used in airplane wings, increase the column buckling strength of the longitudinal stiffeners.
[I]: Ribs distribute concentrated loads into the structure and redistribute stresses around discontinuities.
(A) Both [a] and [r] are true and [r] is the correct reason for [a]
(B) Both [a] and [r] are true but [r] is not the correct reason for [a]
(C) Both [a] and [r] are false
(D) [a] is true but [r] is false

Question ID - 1 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

Determine the correctness or otherwise of the following statements, [a] and [r],
[a]: Ribs, used in airplane wings, increase the column buckling strength of the longitudinal stiffeners.
[I]: Ribs distribute concentrated loads into the structure and redistribute stresses around discontinuities.
(A) Both [a] and [r] are true and [r] is the correct reason for [a]
(B) Both [a] and [r] are true but [r] is not the correct reason for [a]
(C) Both [a] and [r] are false
(D) [a] is true but [r] is false

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (B) -

(B) Both [a] and [r] are true but [r] is not the correct reason for [a]

127 votes