
Two series of compaction tests were performed in the laboratory on an inorganic clayey soil employing two different levels of compaction energy per unit volume of soil. With regard to the above tests, the following two statements are made. I The optimum moisture content is expected to be more for the tests with higher energy. II The maximum dry density is expected to be more for the tests with higher energy.
The CORRECT option evaluating the above statements is
(A) Only I is TRUE
(B) Only II is TRUE
(C) Both I and II are TRUE
(D) Neither I nor II is TRUE

Question ID - 155761 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

Two series of compaction tests were performed in the laboratory on an inorganic clayey soil employing two different levels of compaction energy per unit volume of soil. With regard to the above tests, the following two statements are made. I The optimum moisture content is expected to be more for the tests with higher energy. II The maximum dry density is expected to be more for the tests with higher energy.
The CORRECT option evaluating the above statements is
(A) Only I is TRUE
(B) Only II is TRUE
(C) Both I and II are TRUE
(D) Neither I nor II is TRUE

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (B) -

Only II is TRUE

127 votes