A rectangular beam of width (b) $230 \mathrm{~mm}$ and effective depth $(d) 450 \mathrm{~mm}$ is reinforced with four bars of $12 \mathrm{~mm}$ diameter. The grade of concrete is $\mathrm{M} 20$ and grade of steel is Fe500. Given that for M20 grade of concrete the ultimate shear strength, $\tau_{\mathrm{uc}}=0.36 \mathrm{~N} / \mathrm{mm}^{2}$ for steel percentage, $p=0.25$ and $\tau_{\mathrm{uc}}=0.48 \mathrm{~N} / \mathrm{mm}^{2}$ for $p=0.50 .$ For a factored shear force of $45 \mathrm{kN},$ the diameter (in $\left.\mathrm{mm}\right)$ of Fe500 steel two legged stirrups to be used at spacing of $375 \mathrm{~mm}$, should be
(A) 8
(B) 10
(C) 12
(D) 16
A rectangular beam of width (b) $230 \mathrm{~mm}$ and effective depth $(d) 450 \mathrm{~mm}$ is reinforced with four bars of $12 \mathrm{~mm}$ diameter. The grade of concrete is $\mathrm{M} 20$ and grade of steel is Fe500. Given that for M20 grade of concrete the ultimate shear strength, $\tau_{\mathrm{uc}}=0.36 \mathrm{~N} / \mathrm{mm}^{2}$ for steel percentage, $p=0.25$ and $\tau_{\mathrm{uc}}=0.48 \mathrm{~N} / \mathrm{mm}^{2}$ for $p=0.50 .$ For a factored shear force of $45 \mathrm{kN},$ the diameter (in $\left.\mathrm{mm}\right)$ of Fe500 steel two legged stirrups to be used at spacing of $375 \mathrm{~mm}$, should be
(A) 8
(B) 10
(C) 12
(D) 16