
A wing-body alone configuration airplane with a wing loading of $W / S=1000 N / m^{2}$ is flying in cruise condition at a speed $V=90 m / s$ at sea-level (air density at sea-level $\rho_{\infty}=1.22 \mathrm{~kg} / \mathrm{m}^{3}$ ). The zero lift pitching moment coefficient of the airplane is $C_{m a c}^{w b}=C_{m 0}=-0.06$ and the location of airplane aerodynamic center from the wing leading edge is $X_{a c}=0.25 c .$ Here $c$ is the chord length.

The airplane trim lift coefficient $C_{L \text { trim }}$ is
(A) 0.502
(B) 0.402
(C) 0.302
(D) 0.202

Question ID - 156214 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

A wing-body alone configuration airplane with a wing loading of $W / S=1000 N / m^{2}$ is flying in cruise condition at a speed $V=90 m / s$ at sea-level (air density at sea-level $\rho_{\infty}=1.22 \mathrm{~kg} / \mathrm{m}^{3}$ ). The zero lift pitching moment coefficient of the airplane is $C_{m a c}^{w b}=C_{m 0}=-0.06$ and the location of airplane aerodynamic center from the wing leading edge is $X_{a c}=0.25 c .$ Here $c$ is the chord length.

The airplane trim lift coefficient $C_{L \text { trim }}$ is
(A) 0.502
(B) 0.402
(C) 0.302
(D) 0.202

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (D) -

(D) 0.202

127 votes