
In a country of 1400 million population, $70 \%$ own mobile phones. Among the mobile phone owners, only 294 million access the Internet. Among these Internet users, only half buy goods from e-commerce portals. What is the percentage of these buyers in the country?
(A) 10.50
(B) 14.70
(C) 15.00
(D) 50.00

Question ID - 156388 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

In a country of 1400 million population, $70 \%$ own mobile phones. Among the mobile phone owners, only 294 million access the Internet. Among these Internet users, only half buy goods from e-commerce portals. What is the percentage of these buyers in the country?
(A) 10.50
(B) 14.70
(C) 15.00
(D) 50.00

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (A) -

(A) 10.50

127 votes