
The clean paddy production per annum is 160 million tonnes. Average milling quality analysis indicates the husk content, total yield and degree of polish as $22 \%, 73.32 \%$ and $6 \%,$ respectively. For an average bran oil yield of $20 \%,$ the annual rice bran oil potential in million tonnes is
(A) 1.268
(B) 1.498
(C) 1.617
(D) 1.945

Question ID - 156404 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

The clean paddy production per annum is 160 million tonnes. Average milling quality analysis indicates the husk content, total yield and degree of polish as $22 \%, 73.32 \%$ and $6 \%,$ respectively. For an average bran oil yield of $20 \%,$ the annual rice bran oil potential in million tonnes is
(A) 1.268
(B) 1.498
(C) 1.617
(D) 1.945

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (B) -

(B) 1.498

127 votes