The clean paddy production per annum is 160 million tonnes. Average milling quality analysis indicates the husk content, total yield and degree of polish as $22 \%, 73.32 \%$ and $6 \%,$ respectively. For an average bran oil yield of $20 \%,$ the annual rice bran oil potential in million tonnes is
(A) 1.268
(B) 1.498
(C) 1.617
(D) 1.945
The clean paddy production per annum is 160 million tonnes. Average milling quality analysis indicates the husk content, total yield and degree of polish as $22 \%, 73.32 \%$ and $6 \%,$ respectively. For an average bran oil yield of $20 \%,$ the annual rice bran oil potential in million tonnes is
(A) 1.268
(B) 1.498
(C) 1.617
(D) 1.945