
The 6 -hour unit hydrograph of a watershed is represented by an isosceles triangle with the peak of $180 \mathrm{~m}^{3} \mathrm{~s}^{-1}$ and time to peak of 18 hours. The phi-index $(\emptyset)$ of this watershed is $3.0 \mathrm{~mm} \mathrm{~h}^{-1}$ and the constant baseflow is $20 \mathrm{~m}^{3} \mathrm{~s}^{-1}$. The accumulated rainfall received in this watershed at $6 \mathrm{~h}$ and $12 \mathrm{~h}$ from the start of the storm are $38 \mathrm{~mm}$ and $106 \mathrm{~mm}$, respectively. The resulting peak of the flood hydrograph due to this storm event is _____________$\mathrm{m}^{3} \mathrm{~s}^{-1}$

Question ID - 156533 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

The 6 -hour unit hydrograph of a watershed is represented by an isosceles triangle with the peak of $180 \mathrm{~m}^{3} \mathrm{~s}^{-1}$ and time to peak of 18 hours. The phi-index $(\emptyset)$ of this watershed is $3.0 \mathrm{~mm} \mathrm{~h}^{-1}$ and the constant baseflow is $20 \mathrm{~m}^{3} \mathrm{~s}^{-1}$. The accumulated rainfall received in this watershed at $6 \mathrm{~h}$ and $12 \mathrm{~h}$ from the start of the storm are $38 \mathrm{~mm}$ and $106 \mathrm{~mm}$, respectively. The resulting peak of the flood hydrograph due to this storm event is _____________$\mathrm{m}^{3} \mathrm{~s}^{-1}$

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