
Consider the following statements related to the pore pressure parameters, $A$ and $B$ :
P. $A$ always lies between 0 and 1.0
Q. $A$ can be less than 0 or greater than 1.0
R. $B$ always lies between 0 and 1.0
S. $B$ can be less than 0 or greater than 1.0
For these statements. which one of the following options is correct?
(A) $P$ and $R$
(B) $\mathrm{P}$ and $\mathrm{S}$
(C) $Q$ and $R$
(D) $Q$ and $S$

Question ID - 156693 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

Consider the following statements related to the pore pressure parameters, $A$ and $B$ :
P. $A$ always lies between 0 and 1.0
Q. $A$ can be less than 0 or greater than 1.0
R. $B$ always lies between 0 and 1.0
S. $B$ can be less than 0 or greater than 1.0
For these statements. which one of the following options is correct?
(A) $P$ and $R$
(B) $\mathrm{P}$ and $\mathrm{S}$
(C) $Q$ and $R$
(D) $Q$ and $S$

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (C) -

$Q$ and $R$

127 votes