
Fact 1: Humans are mammals. Fact 2: Some humans are engineers. Fact 3: Engineers build houses.
If the above statements are facts, which of the following can be logically inferred?
I. All mammals build houses. II. Engineers are mammals. III. Some humans are not engineers.
(A) II only.
(B) III only.
(C) I, II and III.
(D) I only.

Question ID - 156795 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

Fact 1: Humans are mammals. Fact 2: Some humans are engineers. Fact 3: Engineers build houses.
If the above statements are facts, which of the following can be logically inferred?
I. All mammals build houses. II. Engineers are mammals. III. Some humans are not engineers.
(A) II only.
(B) III only.
(C) I, II and III.
(D) I only.

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (B) -

(B) III only.

127 votes