
The width of a square footing and the diameter of a circular footing are equal. If both the footings are placed on the surface of sandy soil, the ratio of the ultimate bearing capacity of circular footing to that of square footing will be
(A) $4 / 3$
(B) 1
(C) $3 / 4$
(D) $2 / 3$

Question ID - 156840 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

The width of a square footing and the diameter of a circular footing are equal. If both the footings are placed on the surface of sandy soil, the ratio of the ultimate bearing capacity of circular footing to that of square footing will be
(A) $4 / 3$
(B) 1
(C) $3 / 4$
(D) $2 / 3$

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (C) -

$3 / 4$

127 votes