The hyetograph of a storm event of duration 140 minutes is shown in the figure.
The infiltration capacity at the start of this event $(t=0)$ is $17 \mathrm{~mm} /$ hour $,$ which linearly decreases to 10 mm/hour after 40 minutes duration. As the event progresses, the infiltration rate further drops down linearly to attain a value of $4 \mathrm{~mm} /$ hour at $t=100$ minutes and remains constant thereafter till the end of the storm event. The value of the infiltration index, ( (in mm/hour, round off to 2 decimal places), is
The hyetograph of a storm event of duration 140 minutes is shown in the figure.
The infiltration capacity at the start of this event $(t=0)$ is $17 \mathrm{~mm} /$ hour $,$ which linearly decreases to 10 mm/hour after 40 minutes duration. As the event progresses, the infiltration rate further drops down linearly to attain a value of $4 \mathrm{~mm} /$ hour at $t=100$ minutes and remains constant thereafter till the end of the storm event. The value of the infiltration index, ( (in mm/hour, round off to 2 decimal places), is