
$a, b, c$ are real numbers. The quadratic equation $a x^{2}-b x+c=0$ has equal roots, which is $\beta,$ then
(A) $\beta=b / a$
(B) $\beta^{2}=a c$
(C) $\beta^{3}=b c /\left(2 a^{2}\right)$
(D) $b^{2} \neq 4 a c$

Question ID - 157494 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

$a, b, c$ are real numbers. The quadratic equation $a x^{2}-b x+c=0$ has equal roots, which is $\beta,$ then
(A) $\beta=b / a$
(B) $\beta^{2}=a c$
(C) $\beta^{3}=b c /\left(2 a^{2}\right)$
(D) $b^{2} \neq 4 a c$

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Answer Key / Explanation : (C) -

(C) $\beta^{3}=b c /\left(2 a^{2}\right)$

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