
Advantage of closed circulatory system is that


Exchange occurs more rapidly


Flow of blood more precisely regulated


It can support high metabolic activity


All of the above

Question ID - 3554 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

Advantage of closed circulatory system is that


Exchange occurs more rapidly


Flow of blood more precisely regulated


It can support high metabolic activity


All of the above

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (d) -


In open circulatory system instead of capillaries, blood vessels join directly with the open sinuses. Blood is actually a combination of blood and interstitial fluid called haemolymph which is forced from the blood vessels into the large sinuses, where it actually, baths the internal organs.

Open Circulatory System

Closed Circulatory System

Blood flows in the open tissue spaces.

Blood is in direct contact with the tissue cells.

Exchange of material directly between the blood and tissue cells.

Blood flow is slow.

Blood has very low pressure.

Blood flows in the closed tubes.

Blood does not come in direct contact with tissue cells.

Exchange of material between tissue cells and blood occurs via tissue fluid.

Blood flow is rapid.

Blood pressure is high.

127 votes