
Choose true and false statements from the following

I. Mycorrhizal association between fungus and root of plant () is often obligate

II.  and orchid seeds can germinate and grow into plant in absence of mycorrhizal association

III. Absorption of water along with mineral solute by root hairs is purely a process of diffusion

IV. In apoplast pathway, movement of water takes place through cell wall and intercellular spaces

V. Fungal hyphae provide sugar and organic internal to root

Choose the correct option


I, II and III are true while IV and V are false


IV, and V are true while I, II and III are false


I and IV are true


I, II and V are true

Question ID - 3811 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

Choose true and false statements from the following

I. Mycorrhizal association between fungus and root of plant () is often obligate

II.  and orchid seeds can germinate and grow into plant in absence of mycorrhizal association

III. Absorption of water along with mineral solute by root hairs is purely a process of diffusion

IV. In apoplast pathway, movement of water takes place through cell wall and intercellular spaces

V. Fungal hyphae provide sugar and organic internal to root

Choose the correct option


I, II and III are true while IV and V are false


IV, and V are true while I, II and III are false


I and IV are true


I, II and V are true

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (c) -


Pinus and orchid seeds cannot germinate and develop into plants in the absence of mycorrhizal association. In mycorrihzal association, the fungal hyphae are specialised for absorption of water and minerals by extending sufficient distance into soil. The mycorrhizal association between fungus and roots of plant are obligate. Absorption of water along with mineral is an active absorption and followed by osmosis. Fungus are heterotrophic

127 votes