
Consider the following statements and choose the correct answer

I. Carrier proteins are needed by both facilitated diffusion and active transport and are sensitive to inhibitors that react with protein side chain

II. Different types of proteins present in the membrane plays a major role in both active as well as passive transport

III. The carrier proteins needed by facilitated and active transport are specific

IV. There is no need of energy to pump molecule against a concentration in active transport

V. Transport rate reaches to saturation point, when all the active proteins are used


I, II, II, IV and V


I, II and III


V, IV and I


I, II, III and V

Question ID - 3867 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

Consider the following statements and choose the correct answer

I. Carrier proteins are needed by both facilitated diffusion and active transport and are sensitive to inhibitors that react with protein side chain

II. Different types of proteins present in the membrane plays a major role in both active as well as passive transport

III. The carrier proteins needed by facilitated and active transport are specific

IV. There is no need of energy to pump molecule against a concentration in active transport

V. Transport rate reaches to saturation point, when all the active proteins are used


I, II, II, IV and V


I, II and III


V, IV and I


I, II, III and V

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (d) -


Transporter proteins are integral part of both facilitated and active type of transport method. Carrier proteins found in facilitated diffusion and active transport are different and specific. Generally, facilitated diffusion is not an energy involvement process.

While active transport needs energy. Transporate of substances in active process reaches to maximum level (saturation point) when all the proteins are being used completely

127 votes