
Study the following statements

I. Most minerals must enter the roots by active absorption into cytoplasm and epidermal cells

II. Ions are absorbed by both passive and active transport

III. Active absorption does not require energy

IV. Active uptake of ions is responsible for osmosis

Choose the correct option in reference to the statements given above


I and II are correct and III and IV are incorrect


I, II and IV are correct and III is incorrect


I, II, III and IV


I, III and II are correct IV is incorrect

Question ID - 3879 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

Study the following statements

I. Most minerals must enter the roots by active absorption into cytoplasm and epidermal cells

II. Ions are absorbed by both passive and active transport

III. Active absorption does not require energy

IV. Active uptake of ions is responsible for osmosis

Choose the correct option in reference to the statements given above


I and II are correct and III and IV are incorrect


I, II and IV are correct and III is incorrect


I, II, III and IV


I, III and II are correct IV is incorrect

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (b) -


Statement I, II and IV are correct III is incorrect

127 votes