
Which of the following statements are true/false?

I. Poikilothermic animals are also called ectothermic animals

II. Sharks are ovoviviparous animals

III. Coxal glands are excretory organs present in arachnids

IV. Copper containing respiratory pigment is called haemocyanin, it is present in


All the statements are false


All the statements are true


I and II are true and III and IV are false


I and III are true and II and IV are false

Question ID - 413 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

Which of the following statements are true/false?

I. Poikilothermic animals are also called ectothermic animals

II. Sharks are ovoviviparous animals

III. Coxal glands are excretory organs present in arachnids

IV. Copper containing respiratory pigment is called haemocyanin, it is present in


All the statements are false


All the statements are true


I and II are true and III and IV are false


I and III are true and II and IV are false

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (b) -


Poikilothermic animals are also known as ectothermic animals. Shark are oviparous, animals as they give birth to young ones by laying eggs coxal glands are the excretory organ of members belonging to class-Arachnids the copper containing in respiratory pigment called haempcyanin is present in phylum-Mollusca and Arthropoda but the structure of haemocyanin in these two phylum different and Pila belongs to class in- Mollusca

127 votes