An increase in blood flow to atria of heart can cause release of …A… causes …B… and there by decrease the blood pressure. ANF mechanism therefore acts as checks on …C… Here, A – C refers to |
a) |
A-ANF, B-vaso constrictor, C-renin-angiotensis mechanism |
b) |
A-ANF, B-vasodilator, C-renin-angiotensin mechanism |
c) |
A-vasopressin, B-vasodilator, C-renin-angiotensin mechanism |
d) |
A-vasopressin, B-vaso constrictor, C-renin-angiotensin mechanism |
An increase in blood flow to atria of heart can cause release of …A… causes …B… and there by decrease the blood pressure. ANF mechanism therefore acts as checks on …C… Here, A – C refers to |
a) |
A-ANF, B-vaso constrictor, C-renin-angiotensis mechanism |
b) |
A-ANF, B-vasodilator, C-renin-angiotensin mechanism |
c) |
A-vasopressin, B-vasodilator, C-renin-angiotensin mechanism |
d) |
A-vasopressin, B-vaso constrictor, C-renin-angiotensin mechanism |
An increase in blood flow to the atria of heart can cause the release of ANF, which causes vasodialator of blood vessels and thereby decreases blood pressure